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If you read my “All Hail to Kale!” post, then you already know I’m an avid lover of kale.  It’s definitely high on the list of my fav greens and veggies (and that’s a pretty long list).  However, I bought it in such bulk last week with my other greens, that I had some leftover kale in the fridge today and I didn’t want it to go to waste.


As I was craving something salty and crunchy, but had zero interest in fattening, greasy, processed potato chips, I decided to throw some kale chips together and stick them in the oven!


This is an easy as 1-2-3 recipe that is clean, healthy, and satisfying.  I’m happy I had some leftover kale in the fridge, because now I have homemade Crispy Clean Kale Chips for tomorrow, too!  They’re so light and delicious.  Check out the recipe for this simple snack on my “Recipes” page, so you can easily turn away from the processed stuff and enjoy a healthier, lighter, more beneficial alternative!

Crispy Clean Kale Chips

Crispy Clean Kale Chips

Stay healthy.  Stay green. Much love. 😉