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this past weekend's asparagus, pre steamed and mixed with mushrooms

this past weekend’s asparagus, pre steamed and mixed with mushrooms

Have you eaten any asparagus lately, my friends? Well if not, you may start after reading this entry on the amazing superfood asparagus!  Many people are not aware that asparagus can be classified as a superfood.  Not only does this vegetable taste delicious whether it’s steamed, boiled, grilled, baked, or sauteed, but it also has tons of health benefits that can help contribute to a healthy, balanced, nourishing lifestyle!  Not to mention it’s a beautiful accent to any plate with it’s unique shape and appearance.

The chart below lists only a handful of the health benefits that come with asparagus:

Benefits of Asparagus

Benefits of Asparagus

Vegetables are sensitive to time, temperate, and water.  While I eat most of my vegetables raw to get the most out of them nutritionally and to avoid losing any nutrients, I usually steam my asparagus in a covered sautee pan with only about a cup of water – an inch of water at the most.  Steaming preserves nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants from the vegetables.  Steaming also aids detoxification, improving digestion and overall health over options such as frying, grilling, or boiling.  This isn’t the only positive thing – steaming veggies is quick and easy, too.

asparagus does the body (and the taste buds) good!

asparagus does the body (and the taste buds) good!

Asparagus is packed with nutrients, flavorful, digests well, aids detoxification, and is super low in calories, carbohydrates, and fat.

nutritional facts: asparagus

nutritional facts: asparagus

Always remember that fresh and natural is best.  Try to buy fresh vegetables and not frozen or processed.  They are packed with preservatives and sodium, and often lack the nutrients fresh vegetables provide.  They also lack taste and flavor!  You’re eating vegetables to contribute to a healthy lifestyle, right?  So make sure you get the most out of it!  Treat yourself well.  Your body, mind, and overall lifestyle will thank you in endless ways.

**Fun Fact (for adults over 21!): Studies show that asparagus can aid in curing a hangover (as if we didn’t have enough reasons to love you, asparagus!)  Asparagus aids in the flushing of toxins from the body, which in turn aids in restoring liver health.  Asparagus also boosts levels of important enzymes that break down alcohol after heavy drinking.  Have a late night?? Steam some of these babies and call me in the morning!

Check out my easy as 1-2-3 Asparagus and Mushroom Medley recipe on my “Recipe” page.  Cooking healthy is so colorful, flavorful, and fun!

Stay clean, stay green! Much love 😉